
Chill Grips Kashmir Schools: Urgent Call for Winter Vacations as Children Shiver in Cold Classrooms

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Chill Grips Kashmir Schools: Urgent Call for Winter Vacations as Children Shiver in Cold Classrooms

Srinagar, Nov 19: The sudden onset of a cold wave in Kashmir has exacerbated existing challenges in schools, with children facing discomfort due to inadequate infrastructure.

As temperatures plunge below normal, students across Kashmir are contending with the bitter cold within poorly heated classrooms and common areas.

Despite the adverse conditions, the government has yet to announce plans for winter vacations, especially for lower classes, causing concern among parents and stakeholders.

Complaints are pouring in from various districts, highlighting the pressing issue of insufficient heating facilities, forcing multiple classes to share one cold classroom.

Parents express frustration, emphasizing the detrimental impact on their children’s well-being and ability to focus on studies. One parent, Iqbal Ahmad Najar, from Baramulla, criticizes the government’s failure to deliver on promises made during enrollment drives, stating, “Our children are suffering.”

With the mercury continuing to drop, health risks associated with prolonged exposure to low temperatures in schools are raising concerns. Kashmir is witnessing a surge in flu cases, leaving parents perplexed as no precautionary measures are taken at schools to protect students.

While the School Education Department typically announces winter vacations in December, this year’s abrupt weather changes pose a challenge, particularly for younger children.

Parents like Imtiyaz Lone from Sopore urge the government to consider winter vacations for pre-primary classes.

Amidst these challenges, the government has not outlined any relief plans for students. Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Rajiv Rai Batnagar, acknowledges the situation but states he has not received any proposal for winter vacations from the Education Department.

The lack of immediate action raises concerns about the well-being of school children in the biting cold, highlighting the need for urgent attention to address infrastructure deficiencies in schools.

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