
Winter Vacation In Kashmir 2023: Private Schools Association Urges Govt Action in J&K

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Winter Vacation Appeal: Private Schools Association Urges Government Action in Jammu and Kashmir

The Private Schools Association of Jammu and Kashmir (PSAJK) is calling on the government to promptly declare winter vacations, with a particular focus on lower classes, citing challenging weather conditions characterized by sub-zero temperatures and dense fog.

Facing concerns raised by both parents and schools regarding the severe weather, the PSAJK emphasizes the difficulties young children encounter waking up early and preparing for school in the harsh conditions.

A spokesperson for the association highlighted the lack of centralized heating in houses, buses, and schools, emphasizing the need for flexibility in adapting to the weather.

Expressing the health risks associated with exposure to extreme cold and fog, the PSAJK insists that continuing classes during such conditions hampers the students’ ability to concentrate.

The association underscores the importance of safeguarding the well-being of children, urging the government to announce winter vacations at the earliest.

Furthermore, the PSAJK reiterates its plea to align the academic calendar with local temperatures, emphasizing that the March session is impractical for Kashmir.

They argue that the region’s schools traditionally complete their syllabus by November, and the harsh winter conditions render the March session ineffective, creating confusion among students.

Advocating for a return to the previous academic calendar, the association asserts that government directives cannot alter weather conditions.

They stress the necessity of adopting a calendar that aligns with the local climate, pointing out that the October session is a common practice in regions with harsh winters worldwide.

As the PSAJK continues its appeal, they underscore the need for addressing the challenges posed by the current academic calendar, emphasizing the urgency of action before further disruptions occur.

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