
Winter Vacation in Kashmir 2023 Shortly

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As the winter chill envelops the picturesque land of Kashmir, voices resonate in unison, urging the administration to take swift action concerning the winter vacations for elementary-level students.

2. Concerns of Parents

Parents, the primary stakeholders in their children’s education, are expressing apprehension about the adverse effects of cold weather and dense fog on their wards. Aijaz Ahmad, a concerned parent, emphasizes the need for a proactive approach to ensure the well-being of the students.

3. Advocacy by Private School Association of Jammu and Kashmir

Joining the chorus, the Private School Association of Jammu and Kashmir (PSAJK) advocates for the declaration of early winter vacations. Representations from parents and schools underline the challenging weather conditions faced by students.

4. Support from the Kashmir Trade Alliance

Echoing the sentiments of parents and the PSAJK, the Kashmir Trade Alliance (KTA) adds its voice to the plea. Aijaz Shahdhar, the President of the Alliance, sheds light on the challenges faced by students, especially those in lower classes, attending school in frigid temperatures.

5. Heating Facilities: A Critical Need

Concerns are raised about the lack of heating facilities in classrooms, prompting parents to call for either early winter vacations or adequate heating support, particularly for primary-level students.

6. PSAJK’s Call for Priority Consideration

The PSAJK emphasizes the urgency of considering winter vacations as a priority, given the representations received about the harsh weather conditions in the region.

7. Challenges Faced by Young Children

Highlighting the difficulty faced by young children in preparing for school in sub-zero temperatures and foggy conditions, the association underlines the need for prompt action.

8. Kashmir Trade Alliance’s Urgent Plea

The Kashmir Trade Alliance reinforces the urgency of the situation, urging the Directorate of School Education to declare early winter vacations to safeguard the well-being of students.

9. Alok Kumar’s Assurance

In response to the mounting demand, Alok Kumar, Principal Secretary of the School Education Department, assures that a decision regarding early winter vacations for lower and primary classes is under consideration and will be announced shortly.

10. Consideration for Lower and Primary Classes

Acknowledging the challenges faced by students in lower and primary classes, the administration recognizes the necessity of addressing the concerns raised by parents and educational associations.

11. The Decision-Making Process

Delving into the decision-making process, the article explores the factors influencing the administration’s stance on declaring early winter vacations.

12. Addressing Parents’ Concerns

Alok Kumar sheds light on how the administration plans to address parents’ concerns and ensure the safety and well-being of students amidst the challenging winter conditions in Kashmir.

13. Winter Conditions in Kashmir

Painting a vivid picture of the winter conditions in Kashmir, the article captures the essence of the unique challenges faced by the region during this time.


Q1: When will winter vacation start in Kashmir 2023?

A: The administration assures that a decision will be announced shortly, considering the concerns raised.

Q2: What measures are being taken to address the lack of heating facilities?

A: The administration is actively exploring options to provide adequate heating support to classrooms, especially for primary-level students.

Q3: How is the Directorate of School Education responding to the representations from parents and educational associations?

A: The Directorate acknowledges the urgency and is actively considering the plea for early winter vacations.

Q4: What role does the Private School Association of Jammu and Kashmir play in this advocacy?

A: The PSAJK plays a pivotal role in advocating for the declaration of early winter vacations, representing the concerns of parents and schools.

Q5: How can parents ensure the safety of their children during winter?

A: Parents are advised to stay informed about official announcements and take necessary precautions to ensure the well-being of their children during the winter season.

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