Jammu & Kashmir

74th Republic Day Celebrated with Fervor and Enthusiasm in District Pulwama

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The 74th Republic Day was celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm in District Pulwama today. The main function was held at the District Police Lines Pulwama, where the national flag was unfurled and a parade was held. The chief guest of the event was DDC Chairperson Pulwama, Shri Syed Abdul Bari Indrabi, who unfurled the national flag and took the salute on the parade.

Credits: Pulwama Police

Other dignitaries in attendance included the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Pulwama, Shri Baseer-ul Haq Choudary, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Pulwama, Gh. Jeelani Wani-JKPS, Commandant of 182 and 183 CRPF, ASP Pulwama, DDC Members of District Pulwama and other senior officers of Police/Civil administration. The march past was presented by the contingents of Jammu and Kashmir Police (JKP), Jammu and Kashmir Armed Police (JKAP), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Home Guards, Special Police Officers (SPO’s), Fire & Emergency Services, and Youth Services & Sports.

During his speech, DDC Chairperson Shri Syed Abdul Bari Indrabi highlighted the importance of the Republic Day celebrations and deliberated on various development initiatives undertaken in the district for the progress & prosperity of the general public. He also spoke about the importance of the Constitution of India which was adopted on January 26th, 1950.

Credits: Pulwama Police

On the occasion, numerous cultural groups and artists presented cultural programmes. The prizes were distributed among the best contingents of parade, cultural, social activists and other participants in the Republic Day. A large number of people from the general public also witnessed the function as elaborate security arrangements were made by the District Police Pulwama. Besides, the National flag was unfurled in all Government establishments such as schools, Municipal Councils/Block Development Council (MCs/BDC) offices, and others of district Pulwama. The event concluded peacefully.

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