Jammu & Kashmir

Attention J&K Government Employees: Submit Your Property Returns Now or Face the Consequences!

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The Government of Jammu and Kashmir has issued a notice regarding the filing of annual property returns by government employees through the Online Property Returns System (PRS) portal.

The notice, numbered 52-JK(GAD) of 2022 and dated December 22, 2022, advises all employees working under the Jammu and Kashmir Government to file their property returns for the year 2022 on the PRS portal. The portal, which can be accessed at https://prs.ik.gov.in, will be open for submissions from January 1, 2023 to January 31, 2023.

The notice also states that non-submission of property returns may result in action against defaulting employees under relevant provisions of law. Additionally, employees who fail to submit their annual property returns may be denied vigilance clearance. As such, all employees who have yet to submit their property returns are advised to do so within the specified timeframe.

It is important to note that it is a legal requirement for all government employees in Jammu and Kashmir to file annual property returns, and failure to do so may result in serious consequences. Therefore, it is imperative that all employees take the necessary steps to submit their property returns on the PRS portal within the specified time frame.

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