Jammu & Kashmir

Haj 2023: Haj Committee of Kashmir Announces Pilgrims for Mecca Pilgrimage, Download Full List Here

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The Haj Committee of Kashmir has announced the selection of all covers for Haj 1444 (H)- 2023, marking a significant milestone in the preparations for the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

The selection process was carried out by a committee of experts who evaluated the applications based on various criteria such as age, health status, financial capability, and previous Haj experience. After careful consideration, the committee has finalized the list of all covers who will be making the journey to Mecca next year.

This news has been widely welcomed by the Muslim community in Kashmir and beyond, as the Haj pilgrimage is considered one of the most significant religious events for Muslims worldwide. The opportunity to perform Haj is a dream come true for many devout Muslims, and being selected to go on this pilgrimage is a great honor and privilege.

The Haj Committee of Kashmir has worked tirelessly to ensure that the selection process is fair, transparent, and objective. The committee has taken into account the religious and spiritual significance of the Haj pilgrimage and has tried to provide equal opportunities to all applicants.

With the selection process now complete, the Haj Committee of Kashmir will be focusing on making all necessary arrangements to ensure that the pilgrimage is conducted smoothly and safely. The committee is working closely with the Saudi authorities to ensure that all protocols are followed, and that the Haj pilgrimage is a memorable and fulfilling experience for all those who undertake it.

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