Jammu & Kashmir

Important Update Regarding Winter Vacations In J&K Colleges

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Important Update Regarding Winter Vacations In J&K Colleges

Srinagar, 12 Dec: In a recent turn of events, an order purportedly announcing winter vacations for colleges in Jammu and Kashmir surfaced on social media, gaining widespread circulation. The order, seemingly official, sparked discussions and speculations among the public about the anticipated break.

Seeking clarity on the matter, our ProKashmiri Team promptly reached out to reliable sources to verify the authenticity of the circulated order. These sources, well-placed within the administrative framework, were instrumental in shedding light on the accuracy of the information in question.

Unfortunately, our inquiries have yielded conclusive evidence that the circulated order is, in fact, fake. The authorities have not issued any directive regarding winter vacations for J&K colleges.

It is imperative for the public to exercise caution and refrain from placing credence in unverified information, especially in the era of rapid social media sharing.

Misinformation of this nature can have far-reaching consequences, causing unwarranted panic and confusion among the public.

We urge individuals to rely on official channels and authoritative sources for accurate updates, ensuring a responsible and informed community.

As we navigate through these times of heightened information flow, it becomes increasingly vital to prioritize the verification of news before accepting and sharing it.

Let this serve as a reminder for us all to be vigilant consumers of information, contributing to a more informed and resilient society. Stay informed, stay discerning.

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