Jammu & Kashmir

J&K Administration Releases List of Structures Facing Demolition? Here’s The Truth Behind The List

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A fake list of Nazool properties in the city of Srinagar has caused fear and confusion among the local residents after it was widely circulated on social media platforms such as WhatsApp. The 12-page PDF document, which has no title or official seal, names 452 individuals, their properties, and their locations.

The district administration of Srinagar has declared the list as false and has warned of legal action against those spreading rumors and causing fear among the general population. The administration has also stated that an official list will be released soon.

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Former Chief Minister and Vice President of the Jammu Kashmir National Conference, Omar Abdullah, has expressed concerns over the authenticity of the list after it included the name of his residence in Gupkar. Abdullah’s sister went to the High Court where a government lawyer confirmed that the list was fake.

Abdullah questioned the basis of the government’s actions to bulldoze structures in the region, if the list in the public domain is false. The story will be updated as more information becomes available from the Deputy Commissioner.

The circulation of the fake list has raised concerns about the reliability of information being shared on social media and the potential impact it can have on individuals and communities. Residents of Srinagar are advised to remain vigilant and only rely on official sources for information.

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