Jammu & Kashmir

J&K Govt Sets Guidelines for Social Media Use for Employees, Check Here

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Government of Jammu and Kashmir Warns Employees Against Criticizing Policies on Social Media

The government of Jammu and Kashmir has issued a circular warning its employees against discussing or criticizing its policies on social media. The circular, which was released on March 3, directs employees not to participate in any discussions or criticisms on social media pages, communities, or microblogs.

The circular states that government employees must not post, tweet, or share content that is political or anti-secular and communal in nature. They are also prohibited from subscribing to pages, communities, or Twitter handles and blogs that promote such content.

Additionally, the circular states that government employees must not undertake any activity on social media that is subversive of the government. They are also not allowed to post vulgar, obscene, threatening, or intimidating content about their co-workers or individuals.

Grievances related to their workplace must not be posted on social media either, but rather through already established channels of complaint redressal.

The government clarified that the guidelines are not intended to discourage employees or departments from using social media for positive and constructive purposes. However, it warns that any violation of the guidelines will result in disciplinary action against the employee.

All administrative secretaries, deputy commissioners, heads of departments, and managing directors have been directed to “immediately” proceed against employees found to have violated the guidelines and rules. Furthermore, administrators of group platforms where violations have occurred will also be liable for disciplinary proceedings.

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