Jammu & Kashmir

J&K School Education Department Releases Final Promotion List Masters/Teachers, Download Here

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The School Education Department of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir has released the final seniority list of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Botany as of 01.01.2023, under Government Order No. 46 JK (Edu) of 2023 dated 17.02.2023.

The seniority list was updated from the previous list issued on 12.04.2019, under Government Order No. 157-Edu of 2019, with the inclusion of some PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Botany whose service particulars/bio-data were forwarded by the Directorates of School Education, Jammu/Kashmir.

A tentative seniority list was notified on 20.07.2022, based on the compiled service particulars, inviting objections from the members of the cadre who were not included in the list or were aggrieved with their position assigned in the tentative seniority list.

After receiving more service particulars of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Botany for inclusion/correction in the seniority list, the matter was examined, and all necessary inclusions/corrections/deletions were made to prepare a consolidated final seniority list.

The final seniority list was then forwarded to both the Directorates of School Education, Jammu/Kashmir, with a request for comments/objections, if any, before the issuance of the final seniority list.

Various objections/representations were received from the applicants requesting the deletion of PG Masters/Teachers from the seniority list who have acquired their PG Degree during service through regular/distance without permission. In light of Government Order No. 940-Edu of 2017, dated 17.11.2017, proper permission and admissibility of leave is required from the competent authority at the relevant point of time for pursuing a PG Degree during service.

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