Jammu & Kashmir

New Guidelines For Ration Card And FPS License Issued By Government

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Fresh Guidelines for Issuance of Ration Cards and FPS Licenses

The government of Jammu and Kashmir has issued new guidelines for the issuance of ration cards, licenses for Fair Price Shops, and other related issues under the Public Distribution System.

Eligibility Criteria for Ration Cards

Ration cards will be issued to households who fulfill the conditions and fall within the criteria prescribed in the J&K Food Security Rules 2021. Inmates or residents of destitute homes, convents, Ashrams, orphanages, or similar establishments may also be issued specific cards or permits to avail of food grains under the National Food Security Act or specific government schemes.

Issuance and Modification of Ration Cards

Tehsil Supply Officers/Area Inspectors will be authorized for the issuance or modification of ration cards within their rationing area. Applications for new ration cards or modifications to existing cards must be presented directly by the head of the household to the concerned TSO.

Time Limit for Ration Card Issuance

The government guidelines state that after verification and inclusion of data in the Ration Card Management System, a ration card must be issued within 30 days by the Tehsil Supply Officer.

Drawing Entitled Quantity of Food Grains from FPS

Ration card holders will be able to draw their entitled quantity of food grains from a Fair Price Shop after verifying their identity through the electronic point of sale device installed in the shop. Bedridden or differently-abled card holders, or those above 65 years of age, may nominate another person to draw food grains on their behalf.

Opening of New Fair Price Shops

New FPS will be opened in each Panchayat/Municipal Ward/ULB as far as possible, based on the population of the area.

Eligibility Criteria for FPS License

Only local, unemployed, educated individuals between the ages of 18 to 45 years, who are domicile of J&K and voters of the respective Panchayat/Municipal Ward/ULB, will be eligible to apply for a Fair Price Shops license. Individuals holding posts of profit in the government or positions of Sarpanch, Panch, Ward member, member of District Development Council/Block Development Council, MLA/MP or elected members of municipal bodies will not be eligible for an FPS license.

FPS License Restrictions

FPS licensees shall not have more than 1500 souls and less than 200 ration cards in rural areas or more than 2000 souls and less than 300 ration cards in urban areas. They must also maintain and display a notice board at a conspicuous place outside the shop and a price and stock display board inside the shop.

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