Jammu & Kashmir

Pulwama Police Organizes Cycle Race Under the Civic Action Programme (CAP)

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Pulwama Police Organizes Cycle Race Under the Civic Action Programme (CAP)

Pulwama Police organized a cycle race for students under the Civic Action Programme (CAP) with the aim of promoting sports and encouraging students to channelize their energy in the right direction through sports activities. The race was categorized into two groups – junior category under 14 and senior category under 19, and participants were from various schools in the district. The race covered a distance from Bonoora crossing up to Koil crossing and back.

Credits: Pulwama Police

During the event, the SSP Pulwama Gh Jeelani Wani-JKPS spoke to the students about the importance of sports and how it can boost their self-confidence, concentration, and physical as well as mental health. He encouraged the youth to participate in sports activities and also organize anti-drug campaigns in their respective areas to help combat the drug menace.

Credits: Pulwama Police

The winners in the senior category were Malik karnal Talha, Musaib ul Islam, and Zaid bin Sajad, while in the junior category, the winners were Munazir Bashir, Mohd Udain Najar, and Farhaan Reyaz. During the closing ceremony, the SSP Pulwama distributed cash rewards and appreciation certificates to the winners and consolation cash prizes/participation certificates were given to all participants.

Winners | Credits: Pulwama Police

The ASP Pulwama, DySP PC Pulwama, SHO Pulwama, and other police officers were present during the prize distribution ceremony. SSP Pulwama concluded the event by advising the participants to take part in upcoming police-organized events. Overall, the event was a success, and it provided an opportunity for students to engage in physical activity and build a sense of community.

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