J&K Bank

Vishing Scams: J&K Bank Issues Important Advisory For Customers, Check Immediately Here

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Vishing: A Growing Threat to Your Personal Information

In recent years, vishing has emerged as one of the most common scams employed by hackers to steal personal information. Vishing, also known as voice phishing, is a type of social engineering attack where the attacker uses phone calls or voice messages to trick the victim into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or one-time-passwords (OTPs).

JK Bank, like many financial institutions, is aware of the growing threat posed by vishing and is taking proactive steps to inform its customers about the dangers of these scams.

The J&K bank reminds customers to always be vigilant when receiving calls or messages asking for personal information, as genuine banks and financial institutions will never ask for such sensitive information over the phone.

Customers should also be aware that they should never reveal their PIN, OTP, or any other sensitive information to anyone over the phone. Such information should always be kept confidential and protected. If customers receive a call or message that they suspect to be a vishing scam, they should immediately hang up and contact the bank’s customer support team to report the incident.

In conclusion, vishing is a growing threat to personal information, and it is important for individuals to stay informed about the latest tactics used by hackers. By taking the necessary precautions and being vigilant of any suspicious calls or messages, customers can protect themselves from falling victim to a vishing scam. JK Bank is committed to educating its customers about the dangers of vishing and to providing the support and resources necessary to help them stay safe and secure.

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