
Azad’s yet to be launched political party invited for meeting over voting rights to non-locals

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Former Minister Taj Mohiuddin on Friday said their yet to be launched political party has been invited for the meeting to be chaired by National Conference president and former Chief Minister Dr. Farooq Abdullah on Saturday in Jammu over the issue of voting rights to non- locals.
Talking to news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) Taj Mohiuddin said that they have been invited to participate in the meeting.
“Farooq Abdullah called me and invited us for the meeting,” he said, adding that he has informed Ghulam Nabi Azad about the invitation.
On being asked whether they would participate in the meeting, Taj said that he is not sure about it.
“I asked Azad Sahab to talk directly with Farooq Sahab (on the matter),” he said, adding that maybe someone from Jammu would be deputed to participate in the meeting.
This would be the second all-party meeting to be chaired by NC president and Lok Sabha MP Dr. Farooq Abdullah on the issue of voting rights to non-locals—(KNO)

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